Frame selection, resizing, and grayscale conversion

  • We want to resize each frame to be 720 pixels in width and 480 pixels in height.
    • Set target_size to (720, 480)
  • All the frames are not required. Let’s just capture exactly 12 random frames from the video.
    • Set mode to "random"
  • And finally, visualize the captured frames using mydia.make_grid()
# Imports
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mydia import Videos, make_grid

# Initialize video path
video_path = r"./sample_video/bigbuckbunny.mp4"

# Configuring the parameters
# For other paramaters available, view the code documentation.
reader = Videos(target_size=(720, 480), num_frames=12, mode="random")

# Call the 'read()' function to get the required video tensor
# which will be of shape (1, 12, 480, 720, 3)
video =
print("The shape of the tensor:", video.shape)

# Plot the video frames in a grid
grid = make_grid(video[0])


The shape of the tensor: (1, 12, 480, 720, 3)


The number of channels for a RGB video is 3 (indicated by the last value in the tuple).

  • Now let’s read the video with the same configuration, but in grayscale
    • For this, set to_gray to True
  • Also, the function make_grid() takes certain arguments to construct the grid of frames of the video. For more info, view mydia.make_grid().
# Imports
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mydia import Videos, make_grid

# Initialize video path
video_path = r"./sample_video/bigbuckbunny.mp4"

# Configuring the parameters
reader = Videos(target_size=(720, 480), to_gray=True, num_frames=12, mode="random")

# Call the 'read()' function to get the required video tensor
# which will be of shape (1, 12, 480, 720, 1)
video =
print("The shape of the tensor:", video.shape)

# Plot the video frames in a grid
grid = make_grid(video[0], num_col=2)
plt.imshow(grid, cmap="gray")


The shape of the tensor: (1, 12, 480, 720, 1)


The number of channels for a video in gray scale is 1 (indicated by the last value in the tuple).

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 1.137 seconds)

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